
Premium Membership

An exclusive community whose interest is to connect, develop and share one’s understanding and experience of the Spiritual senses.

A $9.99 monthly investment

Community Intended for CONNECTION


Monthly Live Q&A – a real-time group discussion where Vicchi answers questions via a live video stream.


Share experiences with other members. A premium membership also enables you to have access to topics that you and other members enjoy discussing and learning about together.


Make that which what makes you come alive alive by sharing with others.

First Access 24/7

Gain exclusive early access to teachings, videos, discussion groups and more.

Included in your membership

As a Chrysanthemum premium member, you will have first access 24/7 to:

  • private and exclusive teachings
  • real-time group discussion via live video stream
  • embodiedSpiritwork™ videos
  • early access to public videos before they are published on YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms
  • LIVE hands-on demonstrations regarding Energy Medicine, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the Art and Science of Hatha Yoga

All of which are only available on and my YouTube channel Vicchi Oleski, embodiedSpiritwork™

Each Chrysanthemum Premium membership comes with a subscription to The NOW Times newsletter, a monthly nutrient-dense shout out journal.

Find, Follow and be the Intersection of Connection 

The intention for the Chrysanthemum premium membership is to weave a network and crisscross the inner knowing experience of one’s Spiritual senses to the outer world.

To be of vision and value to something bigger than one’s self.

chrysanthemum package

Join the Community

Subscribe to the Chrysanthemum
Premium Membership

$9.99 monthly investment
Premium Membership