Fulfillment Vibrational Flower Essence


20ml (.68oz)

If you have ever seen a hemp blossom in full bloom, you will have seen one of the most unusual, expressive, flowers that exist in nature.  A very yin plant, Fulfillment Flower Essence offers a vibration of receptivity. The hemp flower invites partnership and opening. When the hemp blossom ripens in the sun it is almost as if the sun is not merely shining its rays on the flower, but that the hemp flower is pulling the sun’s photonic energy into it.

Fulfillment, Receptivity (Photonic (life affirming) energy, bursting with joie de vivre)


  • Springwater
  • 20% grape alcohol
  • An infusion of hemp flower

For best effective use place 1-4 drops of Fulfillment  in the mouth and affirm/declare “I rest in deep solitude and stillness. The quiet abundantly contains my heart reflections. I feel receptive, renewed, and awakened.


20ml (.68oz)

The first of feelHEAL’s Vibrational Flower Essence medicinals is Fulfillment which is formulated using classical flower essence techniques and organic locally grown hemp flowers.

My long history and affinity with the hemp flower dates back many years when I would visit local Sonoma county farms and gardens, experiencing the unique vibration of this flower, the sacred land on which it grows and its special caretakers.  

Having seen the profound healing properties of CBD, I became deeply curious about the plant and spent years researching and then teaching about it at the Sonoma County Healing Academy (SoCoHa).  It is this collection of experiences that inspired me to demystify the use of cannabis in alternative medicine, shining lights of curiosity into darkened corners.

If you have ever seen a hemp blossom in full bloom, you will have seen one of the most unusual, expressive, flowers that exist in nature.  A very yin plant with a vibration of receptivity, the hemp flower invites partnership and opening. When the hemp blossom ripens in the sun it is almost as if the sun is not merely shining its rays on the flower, but that the hemp flower is pulling the sun’s photonic energy into it.

The properties of cannabinoid medicine form a friendly partnership with the receptors in our brains. Cannabinoid receptors receive just what they need to achieve homeostasis so there is no risk of “over-doing it”.  

When we understand that vibration is the essence of, not just the plants and flowers that grow on the land, but the land itself and the beings who inhabit it, we understand more deeply why Fulfillment is potent vibrational medicine. Sonoma County has been a home to renowned luminaries such as the famed botanist and philanthropist, Luther Burbank, and the beloved artist, Charles Schultz. The great spiritual teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda, considered Sonoma one of his favorite places and would often visit to walk the hills of Annadel and call on his friend, Luther Burbank.

Fulfillment, Receptivity

Vibrational Hemp Flower Essence

feelHEAL, 21st Century selfHealth care

Intentionally blended to maximize states of well-being. 

“I rest in deep solitude and stillness. The quiet abundantly contains my heart reflections. I feel receptive, renewed, and awakened.