Life Readings

Zoom Package
90-minute sessions via Zoom

In-person Package
90-minute sessions In-person

The map is not the territory.

~ NLP Presupposition

Life Readings introduce a way to see, reflect and understand challenging times one faces in life.

Using honesty and compassion, a Life Reading provides deliberate and careful reasoning while offering an explorative window into difficult situations. Most times these situations perpetuate repeating destructive patterns, behaviors and habits. During a Life Reading, we get to use the challenge (obstacle) as a strengthening tool. Building thinking and feeling muscles that lay dormant until reawakening them.

Each Life Reading is a placeholder for the participant. Within the reading, space allows for patience, observation and neutrality to occur. Often when seeking solutions to problematic circumstances, our thinking (mental) and feeling (emotional) bodies hold and tighten, disallowing receptivity (solution) to unfold.

Much of what holds us back keeps us hostage.

Moving forward in Life is a step-by-step process that you can and get to begin in a Life Reading.

What modalities are used for a LIFE READING?

Astrology | Metaphysics | Energy Medicine | NLP

With the support of Astrology, Metaphysics, Energy Medicine and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) as well as Vicchi’s 35 years of eclectic experience, study and practical wisdom, each reading offers clients access to a private and deeply moving occasion to see oneself.

Life Readings inspire moments of clarity and passageways for the person.

Life Readings call forth brighter, uplifting moments that facilitate one's IMAGINATION that then promotes an acceleration of JOY, GRATITUDE & FULFILLMENT.

Release self-judgments and unconstructive thoughts while rewiring and enhancing your nervous system.

  • Life Readings are empowering
  • Life Readings are wholesome, potent and energetic
  • Life Readings are invitations to become proactive
  • Life Readings are moments of realizations as well as honoring moments of dissolving timelines of the past
  • Life Readings are turning points

Each one of us living on this Earth plane comes up against circumstances, situations and challenges that appear to be holding us back.

The doors OPEN to your personal magic with a Life Reading.

A Life Reading provides insight, perks the curiosity and helps lead the participants’ energy in a resourced direction.

Goals, wishes & dreams are waiting to come true. (come-to-u)

SALE Price:

$495.00 (90m, Zoom)
$595.00 (90m, In-person)


  • Follow-up notes
  • Personalized meditation
  • Hands-on bodywork 25m (for In-person)
  • How-to move forward steps
  • 10% off your next visit/session
  • 10% off a Golden Lotus program
  • Complimentary newsletter sign-up

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