Universal Life Force, the energy that CONNECTS.

Recognize and embody your underlying essential nature. The Universal Force that has given birth to each of us and the entire cosmos. This energy animates through every atom, molecule, and cell throughout our entire body. Activates the cosmos, past, present and future.

Aligning to this Primordial force known as Shakti in Sanskrit, allows us to feel in harmony with ourselves, and to experience the deep inner felt sense of meaning, purpose and value. Sensing, feeling and being aware of this Life Force is our Birthright, allows us to go BEYOND our personal circumstances and is independent of our thinking.

Qualities of the Universal Life Force include:

  • feelings of unchanging equanimity
  • peace
  • joy
  • well-being
  • stillness.

Experience this Life Force by focusing your attention into the natural sensations that are present within your body.

Current research reveals how meditation turns on and off a variety of pathways or neural networks in our brain that help us gain access to the Universal Life Force.


Explanation of Universal Life Force Energy, the Human Brain and Meditation:

One of the networks, the Default network (also known as fight flight freeze and fawning response) allows us to locate ourselves in time and space as separate individuals who possess an autobiographical sense of self with a distinct past present and future.

But this network, the Default mode network can also prevent access, and avert feeling your underlying life force. The Default mode keeps your thinking mind overly active in condition patterns and recursive thinking.

Two other pathways, Attention and Control Networks function together to focus and enhance your attention and concentration. The fourth pathway, the Present-centered network enhances your ability to feel interconnected and in harmony with the underlying Life Force. The energy that animates the entire universe.

NOTE: Research reveals that during meditation your default Network switches off while the operations of your Attention and Control center networks are enhanced, increasing our ability to focus attention and concentration.

The Present-centered network also allows the decreasing of negative thinking patterns and opens you to insight and creativity. This enables you to go BEYOND conditioned habits of feeling limited and separate into empowered individuals experiencing vast, spacious and interconnected energy.



Begin a ritual by creating a self care daily practice. Set aside an hour or so everyday. Then settle into a comfortable sitting or lying position, and allow your senses to open to the environment and sounds around you.

Start by Quieting:

Notice the touch of air on your skin, sensations where your body touches the surface that is supporting you, the sensations that are present throughout your body.

Notice the mood or tone of your body and mind.

Notice emotions or thoughts that are present.

Important REMINDER:

Simply notice. There is no fixing. No changing.

We are practicing and building a muscle of observation, and observation will allow us to peek, eavesdrop into the workings of Universal Life Force Energy.


Energy flows where your attention goes. Universal Life Force Energy flows where our attention goes.


Three-step Intention.
1.  Turn your attention at setting an intention, declare in a firm and empowering voice.
     ‘I am sensing and aligning with the universal force that enlivens my entire body and mind.’

2.  Feel the power of these words, and the energy in each word. Now quietly with a whisper, repeat your intention:
     ‘I am sensing and aligning with the universal life force that enlivens my entire body and mind.’

3.  Final setting of Intention: state the intention silently to yourself.
     ‘I am sensing and aligning with the universal life force that enlivens my entire body and mind.’
While keeping your intention in mind, systematically begin to scan your body. Welcoming and feeling the sensations present, and the flow of the universal life force that animates and enlivens every cell throughout the body.

Begin with the jaw, your mouth, ears, forehead, scalp, back of your neck, shoulders and so forth. Take time at each area of the body. Enough time to feel into each spot, and then move on to the next area. Allowing, sensing, feeling the flow of energy throughout these areas.

You can go here for the audio version of this meditation.

Allow your attention to be so open that you allow sensations everywhere throughout your body, and all at the same time. Allow the sensations to merge together, to form a unified field of radiant sensations.

  • Sense your entire body as shimmering, vibrant energy.
  • Your body is a glowing pulsating field of radiant sensation.
  • Emanating both inwardly and outer outwardly, all at the same time.


Stay with the awareness, stay with the observation of the unified sensations throughout your body. Turn your attention to sensing these sensations that are present throughout your body.

  • letting go of thinking
  • allowing attention to remain, focused, attentive and concentrated.

Notice as you’re sensing sensations how thinking slows down and may even disappear.

Keep sensing the shimmering vibrant pulsating field of Sensations.


Continue affirming your intention to remain awake, aware of this vibrant Life Force. This Energy is present even as thought, sounds and other perceptions arise. Simply notice them and turn your attention to welcoming and feeling yourself as vibrant energy.


Awareness is our embodiment of UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY.

Our body is a radiant field, Vital, alive and vibrant, and spacious.